TAAP is a Sales and Business Development company, we have passion, enthusiasm and are committed to work with innovative businesses. Really understanding the customer's problem means you can propose, sell and deliver the solution.
TAAP we have no time for vanity metrics, this is about work, research, prospecting, engaging, qualifying and implementation to achieve sales.
TAAP is not a new business and for all those who know and worked with us before, we will be very pleased to partner you again. If you have not spoken with us, please use the message box on the bottom right or call us and let's talk about what you need to get done.
When you need support with your Business Development, Sales and Marketing, we have numerous examples of how we have created opportunities, new contacts, built sales pipelines, closed orders, onboarded customers who value growing business partnerships.
The next generation of 3D manufacturing simulation technology, designed for manufacturing professionals. Digital twins allow for rapid iterations and optimisations of product designs
What do you do, how do you do it and what is the bottom line ? - It is an every day process using the activities here, and the one thing we can always 100% guarantee, is nothing will happen until you START - Join Us
New technologies move so quickly, but our network of companies are really at the cutting edge of tech and they support with some of the best and most innovative solutions.
One of our most important ingredients to our partnerships is to understand your value proposition, process, purpose, markets and planned growth, with this we can focus, scale and win you new business.
The bottom line is to keep an open mind, be honest, ethical and realistic on what can be achieved in timeframes, at the end of the day the only thing that matters are results, but let's make the journey enjoyable.
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