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The Factory of the Future is undoubtably coming to us all at a fast pace. These new technologies will create and develop better jobs, give sustained repeatability and improve product, process and cycle times.
Read more about the Factory of the Future here.
Robotics and Automation have become common place in many industries, Automotive, Aerospace, Electronics, Food and Beverage, Machine Tending are just a few of the success stories. With the introduction of collaborative robots the synergy between people and robotics is taking place. Read about WW Robot numbers here .
Agile organisations are different. Traditional organisations are built around a static, siloed, structural hierarchy, whereas agile organisations are characterised as a network of teams operating in rapid learning and decision-making cycles. Traditional organisations place their governance bodies at their apex, and decision rights flow down the hierarchy; conversely, agile organisations instil a common purpose and use new data to give decision rights to the teams closest to the information
Q: Do you offer Sales, Marketing and Business Development in any other industries and products ?
A: We have a passion for Technology and Innovation, we understand the solution sale, lead times and the value of relationships. We would be very pleased to talk to you about how we can partner and support you. Please Call or Message us with any questions.
The need to understand machine or line performance is now crucial, more importantly doing this in real time gives the opportunity to immediately intervene, which in turn will maintain and maximise throughput. With the advantage of live dashboards for multiple users and capabilities for OEE management, Digital Data is fundamental in today's production environment.
Having spent many years in the plastics industry with machinery, tooling and automation, I certainly understand the complex issues that surround recycled materials. While there are some industries that should stay as they are, such as single use medical device, aerospace and high tolerance engineering parts, PET packaging has come a long way and some of the larger brands will move to 100% recycled plastic in the not too distant future, which is good news going forward.
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